Full 3D sphere angle-dependent measurements
Mechanical two-axis rotator to perform fully automatable 3D measurements of angle-dependent properties of solid state materials - at low temperatures, high magnetic fields and small sample space.
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Product overview
The Tensormeter is designed for automated precision measurements of resistances and voltages. It unites the benefits of Lock-in Amplifiers and Source/Measure Units through an innovative flexible architecture based on an integrated matrix switch. Tensormeter RTM1 enables the automated recording of the complete Resistivity Tensor (Rx, Ry, RH) with one single device, even on unpattern thin films. With excellent AC and DC performance, it covers the range from Nano-Ohm to Giga-Ohms with at least 8 digits of dynamic range.
Tensormeter is designed for automated precision measurements of resistance and voltages.
It unites the benefits of both Lock-in Amplifiers and Source/Measure Units through an innovative flexible architecture.
Tensormeter can be used for thin film characterization, wafer and device testing as well as materials research.
Application fields
Materials research and characterization
solid state physics
semiconductor physics
flexible electronics
new functional electronic materials and devices
Industrial R&D and wafer/device testing
microelectronic devices
memory devices
transistors, diodes
solar cells
displays, TCO
Replaces all standard devices for electrical characterization measurements (e.g. Lock-in Amplifier, SMU, DMM).
Overcomes the limitations of stationary 4-point measurements by an integrated Matrix Switch.
Offers presets for van-der-Pauw and Resistance Tensor measurements and allows for full user configurability.
Makes complex sample preparation unnecessary (e.g. lithographic structuring).
Allows for easy connectivity to many different measurement setups (e.g. probe stations, cryostats, vacuum systems).
Saves measuring time and enhances sample throughput.
Reconfigurable device architecture based on an integrated switching matrix
8 user-defined channels (BNC connectors), whose function (input or output) can be freely determined
Conventional AC and DC 4-wire measurements with fixed connections (Kelvin/ Hall geometry)
AC and DC measurements with alternating connections (van-der-Pauw geometry) with one device
Simultaneous measurement of exactly separated absolute values for longitudinal and transverse resistances without lithographic patterning
Software presets for common measurement modes, but any user-specific switching sequences can be specified
TCP-based communication, easy integration in any environment (e.g. Labview, C, Python)
Precission: <0.1 ppm
Continuous dynamic range: > 8 digits
Symmetrical Output: DC to 20 kHz, ±20 V, ±100 mA
Output noise: < -140 dBFS
Pulse / arbitrary function output with 10 μs resolution
Fully controllable integrated 8x4 switching matrix
Hardware / software
TCP-based user connection
Client communication examples for LabView and Python
19” rack-mountable device, 3 height units,
25 cm depth -
Power demand < 30 W, PSU included
BNC front connectors, 50 Ω type
USB Type B communication connector
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Dr. Denys Makarov
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf HZDR
Denys investigates magnetic nanostructures for new spintronics devices and new magnetic memories and sensors. He uses Tensormeter for ...
Denys investigates magnetic nanostructures for new spintronics devices and new magnetic memories and sensors. He uses Tensormeter for ...
Check out his latest publication.
Publication Highlights
Thermodynamics and Exchange Stiffness of Asymmetrically Sandwiched Ultrathin Ferromagnetic Films...
Yastremsky et al., Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 064038 (2019)
Highly compliant planar Hall effect sensor with sub 200 nT sensitivity
Granell et al., npj Flexible Electronics 3, 3 (2019)
Nanomagnetism of Magnetoelectric Granular Thin-Film Antiferromagnets
Appel et al., Nano Letters 9 (3), 1682-1687 (2019)
Anomalous Hall-like transverse magneto-resistance in Au thin films on Y3Fe5O12
Kosub et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 222409 (2018)
Evolution of the spin hall magneto-resistance in Cr2O3/Pt bilayers close to the Néel temperature
Schlitz et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 132401 (2018)
Purely antiferromagnetic magnetoelectric random access memory
Kosub et al., Nature Communication 8, 13985 (2017)
Nanomagnetism of Magnetoelectric Granular Thin-Film Antiferromagnets
Appel et al., Nano Letters 9 (3), 1682-1687 (2019)
Anomalous Hall-like transverse magnetoresistance in Au thin films on Y3Fe5O12
Kosub et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 222409 (2018)